Como pegar o Akuma no Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo?

Pergunta de Gael Silva em 23-09-2022
(43 votos)

Como pegar o Akuma no Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo?

Para poder enfrentar o Akuma, você deve derrotar todos os adversários do jogo em menos de vinte minutos e sem utilizar continues. Se fizer tudo direitinho, no momento em que você devia lutar contra Bison, Akuma vai aparecer você vai poder lutar contra ele.

Como pegar o Akuma no Street Fighter 2 Champion Edition?

Pressione o botão "Start" e os três botões de soco simultaneamente para selecionar o Akuma.

How to select Akuma in Super Street Fighter 2?

This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. This shows the special code needed to select (Gouki) Akuma in Super Street Fighter 2: Turbo. To fight against Shin Akuma you must not lose any round and have at least 3 Perfect Wins until you reach the final boss.

How to play Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo?

While on the continue screen, have Player 2 join. Wait until the character select screen appears, then press Start. Don't press anything until the timer runs out, and the game automatically selects your character. This will result in your character being the Super Turbo version, but they'll be wearing the old colors. Contributed By: discoinferno84.

What's the best cheat for Super Street Fighter 2?

You need to perform his Flying Power Bomb (360 Motion + MK) as a reversal attack, when he's recovering from a block. This works best against projectiles, but can be done as a reversal against any attack as long as the opponent is on the ground. This glitch is specifically used by Old Zangief, not the Super Turbo version.

How to get O Sagat in Street Fighter 2?

Contributed By: djinni204. Select the corresponding new version of the character with Jab (ex. if you want O. Sagat pick Sagat), then enter the code below while the plane flies to the top of the screen then press Jab again. If done correctly you should hear a sound and your character's costume colors in their portrait should change.

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