Para desbloquear essa Raça Aliada:
Quais são os objetivos que precisamos completar para desbloquear a Vulpera no World of Warcraft? + Completar o feito "Segredos na Areia", que exige que tenhamos completado a história do Vol'dun. + Ganhar uma reputação exaltada com os Voldunai. + Adquira a Expansão da Batalha do Azeroth.
Allied Races: Zandalari Troll: Complete the quest series starting from A Royal Occasion. After completing these, you will have earned the Allied Races: Zandalari Troll achievement, will receive Tabard of the Zandalari and Zandalari Direhorn, and can create your own Zandalari Troll. Check your progress in our Battle for Azeroth Attunement Tracker.
There is a five day cooldown on the spell, meaning you can only change your loa once every 5 days. For reaching 110 on the Zandalari Troll Allied Race without a leveling boost, you receive the Heritage of the Zandalari Feat of Strength and Zandalari Heritage Armor Set. This can only be transmogged by Zandalari Trolls.
For reaching 110 on the Zandalari Troll Allied Race without a leveling boost, you receive the Heritage of the Zandalari Feat of Strength and Zandalari Heritage Armor Set. This can only be transmogged by Zandalari Trolls.
Exalted Reputation with Zandalari Empire: This may take several weeks to obtain, as you can only earn a limited amount of reputation per time with World Quests and Emissaries. Reference the Zandalari Empire Reputation Guide for details on how to obtain reputation. Zandalar Forever!:
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