Como instalar uma extensão no SketchUp?

Pergunta de Theo Costa em 23-09-2022
(73 votos)

Como instalar uma extensão no SketchUp?

  1. No SketchUp, selecione Janela > Gerenciador de extensões. ...
  2. Clique no botão Instalar extensão.
  3. Na caixa de diálogo Abrir, navegue até o arquivo . ...
  4. Quando o SketchUp avisar para instalar somente extensões de fontes confiáveis, clique em Sim para prosseguir e instalar sua extensão.

Is there a way to draw faces in SketchUp?

First, import your 2D AutoCAD model, or draw a few shapes in Sketchup. If this is your first time testing out the plugin, make sure you delete the faces of the shapes in Sketchup so that you can see how the plugin works. In this example, we drew each triangle at a different angle and in separate planes.

How to color the edges of a SketchUp?

Go to Style > Edit > Edge Settings (1st icon). At the bottom of the dialog is a control called Color. Pull down the list and select By Axis. This colors edges of the model the color of the axis to which they are parallel. If an edge is not parallel to any axis, it is left black.

Is it easier to create simple shapes in SketchUp?

It’s also easier to construct simple shapes to be coplanar in the first place than to construct complex shapes that way. Notice that by using this approach, the lawn would be a separate object you could work on directly rather than a sort of by-product of the sidewalks and walls that is dependent on those other objects for its own integrity.

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