Pelo Terminal
macOS Catalina
Usar o comando "createinstallmedia" no Terminal
Enquanto o Mac inicia, pressione a tecla "Opção" (também conhecida como Alt) e segure até a tela "Disco de inicialização" aparecer. Selecione a unidade inicializável do macOS Catalina. Isso iniciará a instalação do macOS Catalina. Quando a janela do Utilitário de Disco aparecer, selecione Instalar macOS.
Command (⌘) + R: inicializa usando o sistema de Recuperação do macOS integrado. Ou você pode usar as teclas Option + Command + R ou Shift + Option + Command + R para inicializar da Recuperação do macOS pela Internet.
Como fazer
Passos iniciais. Antes de qualquer coisa, temos que ter a ISO do Windows baixada e o pendrive devidamente formatado. O formato em questão é o FAT32, e você pode fazer isso rapidamente com o Disk Utility do macOS (no esquema, ou “Scheme”, selecione MBR – Master Boot Record). Feito isso, vamos ao Terminal.
Hackintosh Catalina Installer : Catalina Installer is a distribution of macOS Catalina that has been modified to work with PCs. You will need to use a Bittorrent client to download the disk image file containing Hackintosh Catalina, which is a little less than 6 GB in size. You must register on the website to be able to download anything.
If your computer already has macOS installed, Hackintosh Catalina will just update macOS normally, without deleting any of your apps or files, but always a fresh installation is recommended. macOS needs its own hard drive partition – a minimum of 15 GB of space is required, but at least 50 GB of space is recommended.
You do not need a real Mac: All other Hackintoshing methods need to have an existing macOS installation for it to work. This usually means that you either have to find a real Mac, or set up a Mac VM. However, with Hackintosh Catalina Installer, you can just set up everything even from a Windows / Linux computer.
5 Creating Bootable Hackintosh Catalina USB Installer from Linux. Preparing Catalina bootable USB from Linux is tricky, First, you have to uncompress dmg, then write it to USB. de-compress Catalina DMG with DMG2IMG. Then restore the uncompressed image to USB.
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