Para ter esse "dinheiro", você precisa comprá-lo com dinheiro real em casas de câmbio, ou utilizando o seu computador para "minerar" essa moeda, com softwares conhecidos como o Bitcoin Miner. Além dessas duas maneiras, existem outras formas de se conseguir esse dinheiro virtual.
Bitcoin Era is a trading app that trades with different cryptocurrencies. For example, with bitcoin, ether and EOS. This app is normally available to a group of selected people only. Bitcoin Era’s official website specifies the following main features: Bitcoin Era is available mainly in the UK, Australia and US, but in reality, anybody can sign up.
To start with Bitcoin Era, you need to create an account and login to the Bitcoin Era software. These Terms will be applied fully and affect to your use of this Website. By using this Website, you agreed to accept all terms and conditions written in here.
But if you try to withdraw money, there will be a million reasons why it is not possible. One of the favorite tricks is to tell you that yes, you can withdraw from Bitcoin Era, but first you have to send them more money to pay taxes. Which of course is a lie.
Is Bitcoin Era legit? No, Bitcoin Era is not a legitimate trading system. The reason is that it is an unauthorized app that is supposed to trade on your behalf on autopilot, which means that it will take trading decisions and have a direct impact on your money.
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