Como funciona a cobrança do Tinder?

Pergunta de Gabriel Coelho em 23-09-2022
(69 votos)

Como funciona a cobrança do Tinder?

Se você escolheu um pacote de assinatura mensal, você será cobrado uma vez por mês. Se você escolheu um pacote de assinatura semestral, você será cobrado por seis meses imediatamente e sua assinatura será renovada automaticamente a cada seis meses.

Is Tinder a good dating site?

Tinder is another great option when it comes to fast dating. Here you can also see photos of people and look for interesting accounts nearby. The main emphasis here is on the visual component and the original description of the page. You can log in to the site or use the application for smartphones or tablets.

Is Tinder the best dating app?

Tinder. Tinder is one of the most famous dating apps out there, and the obvious first choice on our list of the best dating apps. As successful as it is at forming long-distance relationships and successful marriages, Tinder has long been accused of changing dating into some form of hookup game. Nov 12 2019

Is Tinder really a hookup app?

Tinder is still a hookup app. And at the same time it’s also not a hookup app anymore. People use it to get into relationships while people are still using it to boink each others’ brains out.

What is Tinder like?

Tinder, which launched in 2012, is a social app that facilitates communication between mutually interested users. Users use left or right swipes to 'like' or 'dislike' photos of other users and potentially match with them.

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