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Android & iOS
No computador, clique no ícone de carinha sorridente no campo de mensagem para abrir o menu de emojis. Clique em Adicionar emoji. Clique em Fazer upload de imagem e selecione um arquivo. Em Dê um nome, insira um nome para o emoji e clique em Salvar.
This wikiHow teaches you how to send animated emojis using WhatsApp. Make sure your iPhone's Emoji keyboard is enabled. To do so: Open your iPhone's Settings. Tap General. Scroll down and tap Keyboard. Make sure Emoji is displayed here. If it isn't, tap Add New Keyboard and then tap Emoji.
Emoticons can liven up the text and convey moods or emotional states. :-D means laughing or a big grin. If surprised, we use :-O and <3 stands for the heart and feelings.
If you want to select a different colored emoji, tap and hold the emoji you wish to use and select the color you want. Note: When you select a different colored emoji, it will become your default emoji. Was this article helpful?
Copy the shortcut and paste on the WhatsApp chat box. WhatsApp by default will highlight the first emoji filtered for the shortcut. Press tab to insert the highlighted emoji. If you see more than one result, use right and left arrows to navigate.
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