Como faz para conectar via Bluetooth?

Pergunta de Gael Silva em 23-09-2022
(14 votos)

Como faz para conectar via Bluetooth?

Emparelhe com um dispositivo Bluetooth

  1. Verifique se o dispositivo Bluetooth está no modo de descoberta.
  2. Acesse Configurar e toque em BLUETOOTH.
  3. Ligue o Bluetooth. ...
  4. Toque em um dispositivo para conectar-se a ele.
  5. Se necessário, toque em Parear ou digite a senha do dispositivo (por exemplo, 0000) para se conectar.

How do I enable Bluetooth on my computer?

To enable Bluetooth on Windows 10: Click the Start button > Settings, to open the Windows 10 Settings OR Click Devices to open the panel with the list of available devices as displayed below. Now click on Bluetooth in the left hand side pannel To enable Bluetooth, toggle the Bluetooth slider to the On position.

How do I access Bluetooth?

On most Android phones, you’ll see a Bluetooth toggle icon in the Quick Settings dropdown menu. To access this, swipe down from the top of the screen twice, or once using two fingers. Then tap the icon to toggle Bluetooth, or long-press it to open Bluetooth options.

How do you Connect Bluetooth to computer?

Steps for connecting a Bluetooth device to a Windows 10 computer: In Windows 10, select Start and type bluetooth. Select Bluetooth and other device settings. If Bluetooth is not enabled, toggle the switch On. Select Bluetooth, then the Bluetooth device you are using.

How to turn on Bluetooth on Windows 10 [solved]?

Here's how to turn Bluetooth on or off in Windows 10: Select the Start button, then select Settings > Devices > Bluetooth & other devices. Select the Bluetooth switch to turn it On or Off as desired. Note: The Bluetooth switch only appears on your system when Windows detects a Bluetooth adapter. Open Bluetooth & other devices settings

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