Como eu posso instalar o Unity Web Player?
Vários jogos, como KoGaMa, usam o Unity Web Player para rodarem no navegador....Saiba como resolver o problema do Google Chrome com jogos que usam o Unity
O Web player do Unity está desativado no Google Chrome por padrão....Para encontrar manualmente onde ativar a bandeira no Chrome, siga esses passos:
Como baixar a unity
Como baixar a unity
A versão grátis de Unity, que está disponível em Uptodown, inclui as ferramentas básicas: a ferramenta de física suportada por NVIDIA PhysX, áudio 3D, capacidade multiplayer, e dezenas de outras opções para todos os níveis.
Chrome does not want to play with Unity Web Player either. I am using IE11 in Win 10 for the moment. With the battle to sell you stuff in full swing; Microsoft, Google, and Apple are leveraging their browsers. I personally don't like the effort being put out to channel us into their stores.
Thanks in advance. Microsoft Edge Is not listed as a compatible browser for the Unity webplayer plugin. And since unity is on its way to make Webgl replace the webplayer at some point i would guess that there will not be a webplayer plugin for Microsoft Edge.
`PlayerPrefs` is a class that stores Player preferences between game sessions. It can store string, float and integer values into the user’s platform registry. Unity stores `PlayerPrefs` data differently based on which operating system the application runs on.
Stores and accesses player preferences between game sessions. On macOS PlayerPrefs are stored in ~/Library/Preferences folder, in a file named unity. [company name]. [product name].plist, where company and product names are the names set up in Project Settings.
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