Opção 1: Instagram Direct no PC (Windows 10)
Converse with friends and stay connected with Instagram Direct Messenger. Learn how to send private messages with photos, videos, filters and messages that disappear or connect face-to-face with video chat. Log in DIRECT Start a conversation with your friends HOW IT WORKS Connect in a creative way.
Send messages with selfie stickers, custom reactions, and message effects. Customize your chats with colors and themes. Send messages that only last for a moment. Use vanish mode to have fun conversations with messages and photos that disappear after they’re seen, or when you close the chat.
1 Open the Instagram app on your mobile device 2 On the login screen, tap Get help signing in below Log In 3 For more options: On Android: Tap Use Username or Email, then enter your username or email Tap in the top right Tap Need more help? ...
Open the Instagram app on your mobile device On the login screen, tap Get help signing inbelow Log In For more options: On Android: Tap Use Username or Email, then enter your username or email Tap in the top right Tap Need more help?then follow the on-screen instructions On iOS: Enter your username or email
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