Uma vez dentro desta, clique em Ficheiro > Abrir o Windows PowerShell > Abrir o Windows PowerShell como Administrador. Depois deste passo, reinicie o PC para concluir a desinstalação. Quando o PC reiniciar, o Microsoft Edge Legacy estará novamente disponivel na lista de aplicações e pronto a usar.
Desativando o Microsoft Edge
Parar o Microsoft Edge de ser iniciado automaticamente
However, since Microsoft Edge is based on the Chromium project, you can uninstall it with Command Prompt using a process similar to the one to remove Google Chrome with command lines. In this Windows 10 guide, we'll walk you through the steps to completely uninstall Microsoft Edge from your computer.
How to uninstall Microsoft Edge (Chromium) using Settings If you're trying to uninstall a version of Microsoft Edge that you installed manually using the installer, or one of the builds available through the Beta, Dev, and Canary Channels, you can remove it using the Settings app. To uninstall Microsoft Edge, use these steps:
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Uninstall and remove the Edge legacy browser (EdgeHTML) Download the Uninstall Edge ZIP file I made to make it easy. Extract all files from the ZIP archive you downloaded to any desired folder, e.g. Desktop. Right click the Uninstall Edge.cmd file and select "Run as Administrator". Wait till the ...
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