Como converter arquivo DWG para SHP?
Passo a passo: como transformar um arquivo Shapefile do QGIS em um arquivo DWG do AutoCAD? #
Inserindo arquivo DXF ou DWG no ArcGIS Para abrir um arquivo DXF ou DWG, basta você adicionar ele como se ele fosse um shapefile. Em seguida, o ArcGIS irá mostrar o arquivo CAD e suas diferentes feições (anotações, pontos, polilinhas, polígonos e multipatchs).
Projeto >> DWG / DXF-import
Para importar arquivos SHP
Para importar arquivos SHP
The DWG will show up as multiple layers (points, lines, etc) representing all of the different geometries in the DWG. You can right click on one of those layers and do a Data Export to convert the CAD elements to shapefiles.
In ArcMap, you can add the DWG. The DWG will show up as multiple layers (points, lines, etc) representing all of the different geometries in the DWG.
Convert CAD Feature Layer opens the Copy Features tool. Convert CAD Feature Dataset opens the CAD To Geodatabase tool. Convert to Geodatabase Annotation opens the Import CAD Annotation tool. To convert CAD to shapefile, you should convert each layer in CAD to shapefile by using select by attributes and export data
Converter also supports more than 90 others vector and rasters GIS/CAD formats and more than 3 000 coordinate reference systems. If the coordinate system of your input data is not present or not recognized correctly, it is posible to assign the correct one.
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