Como impedir que assinem canais na sua conta Amazon Prime Video
Como baixar Amazon Prime na TV?
Cancele sua assinatura do Prime Video Channel online.
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Amazon Originals, exclusively on Prime Video. Prime Video is the only place where you can watch Amazon Original series like "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel", "Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan", "Homecoming", and "The Man in the High Castle".
Watch Party is currently only available in the U.S. for Prime customers. People can join in a web browser on their computer. 1. Find a movie or TV show. Click on the Watch Party icon on your screen for movies. You’ll find it in the episode list for TV shows. 3. Invite your friends.
Included with Prime – choose from great titles included with Prime, all at no extra cost to your membership. Rent or Buy – decide on a movie or TV episode, have all in your group rent or buy the title, and start your Watch Party. Watch Party is available in select countries.
Prime members can now read as much as they want from over a thousand books, magazines, comics, Kindle Singles, and more Sorry, we couldn't find any products at this time, please try again later.
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