O SketchUp Mobile Viewer (versão 2) está disponível através da Apple App Store e Google Play Store.
SketchUp Make 2017 is still available under the condition of non-commercial use but can not open newer files. And SketchUp Free is (only) available as a web service and can open any .skp files.
It is used across a wide range of industries such as design and architecture. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that the full version of SketchUp is not free. Luckily (here’s the but), there is are fully functional free trial versions of the 3D modeling software for you to test before you buy it.
SketchUp Free is a new cloud-based product using a mixture of in-browser technology and online server support. It uses a lot of shared infrastructure with the off-line products (SketchUp Make 2017 and SketchUp Pro) but because of the way it is built, SketchUp Free will never work offline.
As usual, you can free download Sketchup Pro from the official website for 30 days with a trial version. In the latest update, You can now control the visibility of your model tags from right inside of LayOut. Just select a viewport, then inspect the SketchUp Model panel in the Default Tray.
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