Lancelot du Lac (também conhecido por Lançarote do Lago, Lancelote ou Lanzarote), personagem do ciclo bretão, foi o mais famoso dos cavaleiros da Távola Redonda e um modelo de guerreiro, apesar de psicologicamente atormentado.
Dama do Lago
Ban de BenoicElaine
The name Lancelot may have been an invention by the 12th-century French poet Chrétien de Troyes or the character Anguselaus, talked about by Geoffrey of Monmouth in the History of the Kings of Britain. Did Lancelot originate in Celtic mythology, was he a continental invention, or did he really live as a famous knight and hero?
Sir Lancelot slaying a firebreathing dragon in Arthur Rackham’s illustration for Tales of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table (1917). Sir Lancelot is almost certainly a combination of characters created in early Roman/British as well as French literature.
After the Queen repented to an abbey as a nun, Lancelot lived the rest of his life as a hermit in penitence. Sir Lancelot slaying a firebreathing dragon in Arthur Rackham’s illustration for Tales of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table (1917).
Three unknown guys appeared Lancelot, and his two cousins. Lancelot with no problem at all took out the blade out, healed the knight, and was named knight However the other knights thought it wasn’t fair since he didn’t have to do any sort of quest.
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