Qual o significado da palavra minha best?

Pergunta de Alice Costa em 23-09-2022
(30 votos)

Qual o significado da palavra minha best?

Best é um termo em inglês, que significa melhor ou ótimo. Na maior parte das vezes é usado como um adjetivo, mas também pode ser usado como substantivo ou advérbio. Best é o superlativo do adjetivo good, sendo que o comparativo é better (good, better, best que em português seria bom, melhor, o melhor ou ótimo).

Which is the best way to make a best friend?

There are many reasons people make best friends. Whether it's "just because", or filling that empty void, making a best friend can be easier than you might think! Just keep reading! Start with small talk. If you don't have many friends, making small talk is the first part and can be the first step in developing a friendship.

Who is my best friend in the world?

She's my best / oldest / closest friend - we've known each other since we were five. He's a family friend/friend of the family. This restaurant was recommended to me by a friend of mine.

How to take care of your best friend?

Care for your best friend. If your best friend is upset, ask them what's wrong. They might not tell you straight away, but they should in the end. If they don't tell you, don't get angry at them: Understand that certain things are private, and trust that they'd be just as patient with you if you were in their shoes.

What are the characteristics of a good best friend?

ENCOURAGEMENT Your bestie thinks that you are awesome and is there to give you a boost when you are feeling low. As your personal cheerleader, your best friend reminds you of how many great things you have to offer the world, always focusing on your positive attributes that make you shine. 8. STEADFASTNESS Your best friend has your back!

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