Quais telefones rodam Free Fire Max?

Pergunta de Theo Costa em 22-09-2022
(60 votos)

Quais telefones rodam Free Fire Max?

Smartphones compatíveis com Free Fire Max

há 7 dias

What can you do with free fire Max?

Free Fire MAX is designed exclusively to deliver premium gameplay experience in a Battle Royale. Enjoy a variety of exciting game modes with all Free Fire players via exclusive Firelink technology. Experience combat like never before with Ultra HD resolutions and breathtaking effects.

What can you do with Garena Free Fire Max?

The description of Garena Free Fire MAX. Free Fire MAX is designed exclusively to deliver premium gameplay experience in a Battle Royale. Enjoy a variety of exciting game modes with Free Fire players via exclusive Firelink technology. Experience combat like never before with Ultra HD resolutions and breathtaking effects.

Is the Android version of fire Max the same?

In the MAX version, there's a new range of graphic options at your disposal that takes full advantage of the power of more modern Android smartphones. Other than that, the game is practically identical. Even the events and battle passes are the same.

Where do I find my weapons in free fire Max?

In the upper right corner of the screen, you can find your inventory, which lets you choose the weapon you want to use. Plus, you'll find a map in the upper left corner. Free Fire MAX unfolds very similarly to any other battle royale.

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