É tão bom ver-te, Ahsoka. Seriously, it's good to see you. A sério, é bom ver-te.
hello interj Olá, meu querido amigo!
howdy {interjeição} olá {interj.}
tchau {interj.} Goodbye! Tchau!
“See you later.” / Te vejo mais tarde.
olá {m.} Olá! {interj.} Aloha!
Se você está no sul dos Estados Unidos e deseja usar um hello diferentão, pode usar a expressão howdy?. Ela deve ser empregada em uma situação informal e, apesar do seu caráter sulista, também pode ser usada em outras partes do país.
great {adjetivo} grande {adj. ... excelente {adj. m./f.}
"good-bye" em português
The smart ass response is “It's good to be seen.” The polite response would be “It's good to see you too.” If that's a lie then you could try “How long has it been?” Then smile and shake hands. “Likewise.” This is a simple reply with no emotional obligations and/or implications to follow.
Typical responses would include: The "Thank You" may be appended to your response; its use is intended to thank the person for asking the question (good manners, etc.). In general, respond with the same, if there is time.
If you'd like to inquire about the other person, you could follow that with "How are you?" or "I hope you are well too." In an informal setting, you could simply say "I am." There is no rule to this. It completely depends on you.
A fairly common condensation of all this is "fine, thanks; you?". – Monica Cellio Jun 16 '11 at 14:18 Technically, "going good" is incorrect grammar; you should use "going well", so "It is going well" is the proper response. "Fine, and you?" You are right, that is very common here. The "proper" answer is Fine. or Just fine, thank you.
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