E para a segunda pergunta, se a você quiser dar uma resposta mais completa Você pode falar I'm doing…
I'm doing ok. Literalmente, Estou indo ok. Ok pode ser traduzido como sem problemas.
As of 2013, all human resources employees in the USDA (series 02) are required to register for the HRU, include an HRU course on their IDP, and complete the course. Any Federal employee may use the HRU and take any of the free online courses once they have registered. Registration is easy:
Any Federal employee may use the HRU and take any of the free online courses once they have registered. Registration is easy: Strengthen the competence of the Federal Government's human resources community to ensure measurable support of agency strategic goals and missions, now and in the future.
Acronym Definition HRU High Resolution Unit HRU How Are You HRU Heat Recovery Unit HRU Hydrostatic Release Unit ...
Among the existing representations of DAC models, a noticeable one is the HRU (Harrison, Ruzzo and Ullman) access control matrix (ACM) model [5].
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