O gcc tem uma versão para Windows que se chama MinGW....GCC no Windows
Como atualizar o GCC no MinGW no Windows?
Install MinGW-w64. MinGW-w64 comprises development tools for compiling and debugging. Download the Mingw-w64 Installer from here and follow the steps in the wizard. It is essential that the installation path does not contain any spaces. Therefore, you cannot install MinGW-w64 in Program Files.
We recommend to create a folder mingw-w64 on your system drive (e.g., C:\\mingw). Install a current version and specify win32as thread when requested. Additionally, choose the architecture x86_64. After installing, you need to edit the PATH variable. You can access the System Control Center by pressing Windows Key + Pause.
Install a current version and specify win32as thread when requested. Additionally, choose the architecture x86_64. After installing, you need to edit the PATH variable. You can access the System Control Center by pressing Windows Key + Pause. In the System window, click Advanced System Settings → Advanced (tab) → Environment Variables.
In your installation folder, inside the bindirectory, you should find a file called mingw32-make.exe. Create a copy of the file in the same directory named make.exe. This is because this file is the one you will use to compile 4diac FORTE, and "make" is the command used for that throughout the documentation. Next steps
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