Como usar Face Creator?

Pergunta de Gael Silva em 23-09-2022
(71 votos)

Como usar Face Creator?

Para acessar o Facebook Creator Studio, certifique-se de estar logado na sua conta e clique neste link. Perceba que o design é bastante intuitivo. O menu à esquerda contém suas principais funcionalidades. Ao centro, há a caixa para publicação e alguns dados sobre os posts mais recentes.

Is there a way to draw faces in SketchUp?

First, import your 2D AutoCAD model, or draw a few shapes in Sketchup. If this is your first time testing out the plugin, make sure you delete the faces of the shapes in Sketchup so that you can see how the plugin works. In this example, we drew each triangle at a different angle and in separate planes.

Is there a plugin for bug Splat in SketchUp?

Now after the installation, if I use the plugin, Sketchup has bug splat after closing. And installing this plugin was the only operation in Sketchup I have done this morning. If I open Sketchup and do not use this plugin, Sketchup closes correctly.

Do you have to be a member to make a SketchUp file?

You need to be a Member to view images or to make downloads. At a guess it looks like you are trying to work at too small a scale. If the piece is very small the faces can't form. Try scaling up by 10 and trying again. @mokhtar : Can you post your sketchup file?

What's the best way to create a SketchUp model?

My suggestion to you and anyone learning to use sketchup is to first start your model with a plane that has your plan applied as a texture, then scaled. Once you do this double click it and make it a group. Then you can build your model on top of it. This way your ground plane will remain a plane.

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