Como usar o Excel online
Como instalar o Microsoft Office gratuitamente no Windows 10
Iniciar uma nova pasta de trabalho no Excel para a Web
Open the Office free trial page. Go to in your computer's web browser. You can use Excel for free for a month if you download the Office 365 free trial.
Access the Microsoft Excel home page on your computer’s Internet browser (see Resources for a link). Click “Free 60-day trial.” Click “Download Free Trial” on the following page. Click “Download Now” on the next page. Sign in to your Windows Live account. Enter your name and country into the appropriate fields.
Excel Online Basics. There are two easy ways to open Microsoft Excel Online: Go to and click the Excel link to create a new spreadsheet, or open OneDrive and click on a spreadsheet you've saved online (we'll look at how to move your spreadsheets to OneDrive later on).
Even though Microsoft Excel is not a free program, Microsoft offers a free trial download as a part of the Microsoft Office trial downloads.
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