Como usar Eggmaster?

Pergunta de Alice Costa em 23-09-2022
(33 votos)

Como usar Eggmaster?

Determine a temperatura do ovo e como você deseja que a gema fique, o app vai definir o tempo de cozimento. Agora é só colocar o ovo na água fervente e clicar em Start. O aplicativo te mostra em “tempo real” o ovo sendo cozido. Faltando 15 segundos para finalizar o tempo, o alarme começa a apitar.

Como usar o Easy Egg da Polishop?

Com Easy Egg é fácil assim: é só colocar os ovos, tampar, levar ao micro-ondas e pronto! Em até 1 minuto* sua receita estará prontinha e irresistível!

What kind of poacher do you use to poach eggs?

Egg poachers come in a variety of styles, including stove top pans, electric poachers, microwave poachers, and even silicone pods. Each type of poacher has different instructions for how to use it to poach an egg.

How long do you cook an egg in a silicone poacher?

Brush the inside of a silicone pod with butter or spray with no-stick spray. Crack an egg into an egg poacher cup and carefully place the cup in the boiling water. Put the lid on the pot and cook for 4 to 7 minutes, depending on the size of the egg and your desired degree of doneness.

Why are my eggs sticking in my poacher?

If the water boils too vigorously, this may cause the egg whites to splash out and harden, creating a mess. Crack 1 egg into each individual poaching cup. To prevent the eggs from sticking, spray the cups with cooking oil before you add the eggs.

Is it safe to use silicone in egg poachers?

Early research shows that silicone doesn’t hold any health risks, but it hasn’t been widely studied. Since it’s chemically inert, it doesn’t leach into food or produce gas. Silicone is a safe alternative to other non-stick materials like Teflon.

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