Or, other replies are~ (How's your day) "It's been great, and yours?" "It's been good, yours?" (How's it going) "I'm well, how about you?" "It's going great, what about you?" ^ these are all happy/positive replies, but you can also say "I've had better days" or "It's not been great.."
Como foi sua noite? -Boa. How was your night? Como foi a tua noite, dormiste bem?
A - How are you? / How's it going? / How're you doing? Como você está? / Como vai? / Tudo bem? B - I'm good! Estou bem!
good {adj.}
excellent {adj.} fine {adj.} splendid {adj.}
gorgeous adj A paisagem nesta região é maravilhosa.
As Question Words são pronomes interrogativos utilizados para fazer perguntas em inglês. Elas são empregadas antes dos verbos auxiliares e modais. Com exceção do how, todas as palavras começam com -wh e por isso, são chamadas de wh-words.
Anote aí que em inglês usamos a palavra “what” quando a resposta pode ser qualquer coisa. Ou seja, não há opções de escolha. Já a palavra “which” é usada quando limitamos a resposta. Oferecemos as sugestões para a pessoa.
In a rush to connect in a limited amount of time, many parents default to asking the standard "How was your day?". on the way home from school or at the dinner table. And in response, they receive the standard one-word answer like "fine" or "good.". Of course, these one-word answers are not good fodder for a healthy discussion.
When Wednesday rolls around, your colleagues may ask, “Do you have any plans this weekend?”, or a similar question. A good format is to respond with: 1). What you’re going to do. 2). “Because…” Your plans may be anything from seeing a movie, going out of town, or even reading a new book.
One of the toughest things is knowing how to answer a “how was your day” text. It seems rather basic but depending on how you answer, it could send a bunch of different messages to your potential partner. Many of the dating sites out there have so many rules around each and every interaction, it can cause anxiety.
If you are busy or preoccupied every time they want to talk to you, then you will likely get the same response from them when you reach out about their day. They will be too busy or preoccupied to truly engage in a conversation with you.
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