Como responder How are Things?

Pergunta de Alice Costa em 23-09-2022
(29 votos)

Como responder How are Things?

-How are things (going)? -Things are well!: -Como estão as coisas?/ Como vai? - Está tudo bem!

Como responder perguntas com are you?

– My name is Paula. Nesses exemplos, é fácil perceber que ao responder, é necessário inverter a ordem do verbo (are/am) e do pronome (you/I) e, no caso do verbo 'Tobe' conjugar de acordo com o sujeito. A regra é bem semelhante à do português.

Como se pode responder à pergunta IM going?

I'm fine. Explicação: "How are you?" significa "Tudo bem?", I'm fine significa "estou bem", já "I'm going" significa "Estou indo" e "I'm at home" significa "Eu estou em casa". Espero ter te ajudado.

When to use'how are you feeling'and'how do you feel'?

However, some of these verbs may be used in the continuous form but with a different meaning. For instance: I am feeling much better now; I feel good to be here. "How are you feeling today" - The word feeling implies that the person is able to change from feeling to feeling say in physical wellbeing after an injury or illness.

How to respond to “ how are You?

How to Respond to “How are you?” Formally? 1 “I’m fine, thank you, and what about you?” 2 “Oh, good morning, sir. I’m feeling great today, thanks for asking. How about you?” 3 “I’m doing great, sir. Thank you, and you?”

How often do I get the question how are you feeling?

I get the question "How are you feeling" probably every single day from friends, family, acquaintances. I know this is a good thing, and it's nice to know that people care about me, but I don't feel like they really want to hear how I am really feeling.

What's the difference between how do you feel today and how are you feeling today?

The small difference is that the present continuous "How are you feeling today?" is a little bit more formal. You can use it more with people that you are not so familiar with, or at work or school. "How do you feel today" is for your everyday friends, people who you see all the time.

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