Para reiniciar, verifique se o roteador está ligado, pressione e segure o botão de reset por 10 segundos e, em seguida, libere-o. O roteador então, irá reiniciar com a configuração de fábrica.
Como reiniciar um roteador para os padrões de fábrica
Com o roteador ligado, pressione e segura o botão WPS/RESET (mais do que 10 segundos) até que a LED SYS comece a pisca rápido. Depois solte o botão e espere o roteador restaurar para as configurações de fábrica.
Turn on the TP-LINK AC1200 and wait 1 minute. Press the reset button located on the back of your equipment for 10 seconds. On your desktop, open a DOS prompt and try to ping the default IP address of the TP-LINK equipment. IP:
Connect your computer to the Archer AC1200 using an ethernet cable. Turn on the TP-LINK AC1200 and wait 1 minute. Press the reset button located on the back of your equipment for 10 seconds. On your desktop, open a DOS prompt and try to ping the default IP address of the TP-LINK equipment.
The TP-Link extender features a “WPS/RESET” button, which is a button that can be used to reset the TP Link Wi-Fi extender or restore the device to its default factory settings. This is what you call the hard reset.
It is also known as the TP-LINK AC1200 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router. On the Factory defaults page click on the Restore button to perform the reset. Press and hold the reset (sometimes reset/WPS) button for 10 seconds with a paperclip or other sharp object.
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