Como resetar Google pixel 3?

Pergunta de Theo Costa em 23-09-2022
(18 votos)

Como resetar Google pixel 3?

Enquanto prime o botão Ligar/desligar, prima o botão Aumentar volume e solte rapidamente ambos os botões. As opções de recuperação do Android são apresentadas. Com os botões de volume, desloque-se até "Wipe data/factory reset" (Limpar dados/reposição de fábrica) e prima o botão Ligar/desligar.

Como fazer backup do pixel?

Ativar os backups automáticos

  1. No seu smartphone Android, abra o app Google One . ...
  2. Role a tela até a opção "Faça backup do seu smartphone" e toque em Ver detalhes.
  3. Escolha as configurações de backup. ...
  4. Se necessário, permita o Backup do Google One salve imagens e vídeos usando o Google Fotos.
  5. Toque em Ativar.

How to reset Data on Google Pixel 2?

Press and hold the Power button. While holding the Power button press the Volume Up button then release both buttons. From the Android Recovery screen, select Wipe data/factory reset. Select Factory data reset. Allow several minutes for the factory data reset process to complete. Select Reboot system now.

What to do if you lost your Google Pixel phone?

If you lost your phone, you can remotely reset it. If you can’t reset from Settings or you can’t use your screen, try a reset with your phone’s buttons. If your phone is on, press and hold the Power button to turn it off. Press and hold the Volume Down button and Power button at the same time for 10-15 seconds.

How do I Reboot my Google Pixel phone?

With the volume buttons, scroll to "Reboot system now" and press the Power button. To set up your Pixel, after the phone completes the OS install, tap Start. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up your phone and restore your backed-up data. Learn how to back up or restore data.

What to do when Google Pixel 2 says no command?

Press and hold “ Power ” to make the “ Recovery Mode ” selection. Press “ Power ” and “ Volume Up “. Release “ Volume Up ” after 3 seconds, but continue to hold “ Power “. Still continue to hold “ Power ” until you see a screen with an Android that says “ No command “.

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