Recuperar senha do Unifi Controller
Passo a passo de como instalar e configurar o Unifi
TFTP UniFi Passo a Passo
The second method, the UniFi Controller Software Reset is also a fairly simple process; For this to work, you must have the UAP adopted by the UniFi Controller Software: Navigate to the devices page. Click on the UniFi UAP you wish to reset. You are now in the “Properties” panel.
Press and hold the reset button for 10 seconds (do this with caution, you do not need a lot of pressure) Release the button after 10 seconds (if it has worked, the LEDs on the UniFi UAP will stop glowing) DO NOT disconnect the UAP from the power source during reboot If successful, you will restore UAP to factory settings
UniFi Video is an obsolete product line. This application and its related devices will no longer receive any manner of technical support, including functional and security updates. Additionally, there will be no further updates to Help Center content pertaining to UniFi Video.
Applicable to UniFi devices such as Access Points (UAP) and Switches (USW) that are adopted by the UniFi Network Controller.
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