Os comandos mais básicos são:
Por isso, deixamos aqui uma lista com 7 dos melhores bots de música para Discord.
Como instalar bots de música no Discord
Se quiser importar uma playlist do Spotify para tocar no servidor, abra a playlist no app do Spotify, clique nos três pontinhos > Compartilhar > Copiar link da playlist. Depois, é só voltar ao chat do Discord e digitar “-play” (sem as aspas) + a URL da playlist.
Como adicionar um bot ao Discord
Rythm is our main bot used by the most servers. This bot and most of its features are available to the public for free. Rythm 2 is the secondary Rythm bot, used by the second most number of servers.
All commands use the prefix '!' by default. play Plays a song with the given name or url. disconnect Disconnect the bot from the voice channel it is in. np Shows what song the bot is currently playing. aliases List all of the aliases for a command. ping Checks the bot's response time to Discord. skip Skips the currently playing song.
To add the Rythm bot to Discord server, open the Rythm official website. You can find the “Add to Discord” as the first option in the right sidebar, click on it. You will be asked to sign in to Discord if not already. This will open a discord page to add the bot to your server. Just select Server in the drop-down menu and click on Continue.
Rythm`s Commands. The commands are very simple and useful. All commands use the prefix '!' by default. play Plays a song with the given name or url. disconnect Disconnect the bot from the voice channel it is in. np Shows what song the bot is currently playing. aliases List all of the aliases for a command.
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