As coordenadas cartesianas, também chamadas de coordenadas retangulares, utilizam uma distância em cada uma das duas dimensões para localizar um ponto, mas as coordenadas polares usam um ângulo e uma distância. A distância às vezes é chamada de raio.
You can change the precision of all the calculations by changing the "Decimal places" option. Go back to the examples on the Polar Form page and try them here in the calculator, and compare the results. Go back to this earlier page to see how to convert polar to rectangular form the old-fashioned way:
You can also drag point P to change the radius of the circle, and/or the angle to your desired values. You can zoom the graph in or out using the navigation icons at the bottom of the graph, and pan left-right, up-down by holding down the key while dragging the graph.
You can change the precision of all the calculations by changing the "Decimal places" option. Go back to the examples on the Polar Form page and try them here in the calculator, and compare the results.
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