Assassinado em um ataque mongol contra a tribo Kayi. Esposa de Gündoğdu e nora de Hayme Hatun e Suleyman Shah.
O fim do Império Otomano ocorreu oficialmente em 1922, com a retirada do poder do Califa Mehmed VI, logo após a implementação do Tratado de Lausanne, que finalizou as controvérsias do pós-guerra criadas pelo tratado de Sèvres.
Bamsi, assim como os outros alps teria sido longevo e morrido em uma batalha. Mas o grande ponto aqui, é o surgimento do Império Otomano. ... Daí o nome Império Otomano, numa referência a Osman ou Otan, filho de Ertugrul Bey.
Who Was Ertugrul? In Turkish Muslim history, Ertugrul Gazi was a famous historical figure dating back to the 13th century. He was born in 1188 AD and died around 12 AD. A virtuous man and a brave warrior who belonged to the Kayi tribe of Oghuz Turks, he conquered numerous lands in the name of Allah.
Ertugrul’s Children Osman I is the most well-known son of Ertugrul Ghazi. Kulurus Osman, the equally popular sequel to Diliris Ertugrul, is based on his life and contributions to the Ottman Empire. Aged 23, he succeeded his father as the leader of the Oghuz Turks in the Kayi tribe and his efforts led to the foundation of the Ottoman Empire.
2014 | TV-14 | 5 Seasons | TV Dramas When a good deed unwittingly endangers his clan, a 13th-century Turkish warrior agrees to fight a sultan's enemies in exchange for new tribal land. Starring: Engin Altan Düzyatan, Serdar Gökhan, Hülya Darcan
After Ertugrul passed away, Turgut become the main support to Osman, and when Osman established his Sultanate he rewarded Turgut with the highest position, as a Governor of the new State. He was a legendary hero; his life has been described in the book of medieval Ottoman’s chronologies of that time, titled ‘’The book of Dede Korkut” .
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