Como jogar impostor Among Us?

Pergunta de Theo Costa em 23-09-2022
(73 votos)

Como jogar impostor Among Us?

Among Us: como ser impostor no jogo; veja dicas para jogar bem

  1. Não ande sozinho.
  2. Calcule qual jogador irá matar.
  3. Conte com o seu parceiro.
  4. Vote com o grupo.
  5. Feche as portas antes de matar.
  6. Fique de olho nas câmeras.
  7. Faça tarefas falsas.

Is there an online version of play among us?

Play Among Us Online Web Version. Among Us is a social online game that provides a unique experience that no other title can offer. A group of spacemen is traveling on an interstellar ship, exploring distant quadrants of the galaxy. The mission has been going smoothly, however, there has been a dangerous development: a vicious alien has invaded ...

What's the best way to play among us?

The game is meant to be played with a group of friends or strangers over the internet: several players are automatically assigned the roles of the crewmembers, while one of them becomes the impostor (without anyone knowing). Connect to a lobby with your friends or join a random Among Us game.

Do you have to pay to play among us?

Despite the fact that Among Us doesn’t cost a lot, and sometimes is even available for free, using an emulator to play it still has its advantages. While the versions for Android and iOS devices are free, you still need to pay for the official PC version, unless you run Among Us through an emulator.

What do you need to know about among us?

Among Us is a social online game that provides a unique experience that no other title can offer. A group of spacemen is traveling on an interstellar ship, exploring distant quadrants of the galaxy. Among Us Online

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