Como jogar Coop State of Decay 2?

Pergunta de Pedro Ramos em 23-09-2022
(46 votos)

Como jogar Coop State of Decay 2?

Como utilizar o modo multiplayer do State of Deacay 2?

  1. Acesse o rádio e selecionar a ação Voluntário, para usar o matchmaking online para participar do jogo de outra pessoa.
  2. Você também pode usar o seu rádio e selecionar a ação Call for Help e encontrar outros jogadores para participar do seu jogo.

Quantos jogadores tem no Battlefield?

As principais novidades do jogo são a ausência de um modo campanha e um modo multiplayer com até 128 jogadores simultaneamente (o dobro que os jogos anteriores) em mapas ainda mais amplos que de títulos anteriores.

How does multiplayer work in state of decay?

You can open your game to Invite or Friends Only multiplayer, and invite your friends to come and fight the zeds with you! How does scavenging work in multiplayer? Each player will have their own color (blue, green, orange, or yellow) and a matching symbol of a box with a number of dots on it (1 dot for player 1, 2 for player 2, etc.)

Is there a wiki for state of Decay 2?

Welcome to the IGN wiki walkthrough for State of Decay 2! Unlike most games, State of Decay 2 follows a general walkthrough for a few missions and then branches out as soon as you can pick a leader for your community. Below are the main quests that everyone will have to follow, regardless of the leader you will choose.

What are the colors of the boxes in state of decay?

Each player will have their own color (blue, green, orange, or yellow) and a matching symbol of a box with a number of dots on it (1 dot for player 1, 2 for player 2, etc.) This color and symbol will be shown on anything that player can loot, and no one else will have the ability to loot that container.

Can a player change the base in state of decay?

No. Only the player hosting the game can alter the base. They’ll be able to use your storage locker, but players are only able to grab things that they themselves put in there (including you). Why did I just teleport?

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