Browse" selecione uma . iso de uma" /> Browse" selecione uma . iso de uma" />
Abra o MultiBootUSB, em Select USB disk selecione a partição do pendrive, o exemplo é /dev/sdb1. Em "Select image > Browse" selecione uma . iso de uma distribuição que deseja no seu pendrive MultiBoot.
Quando for instalar o Windows e o Linux no mesmo computador, deverá ser instalado primeiro o Windows e depois o Linux, pois, neste caso, o Linux é que irá gerenciar o boot.
Now’ it’s time to create multiboot usb key. MultiSystem is very simple to use. Drag the ISO of your choice into the MultiSystem window. If it doesn’t work, click on the cd icon on the bottom and select the ISO’s. Now, MultiSystem will copy the files from the ISO, and make the USB key as bootable.
To use MultiBootUSB, go to the official download page and select the installer package according to your OS. Debian, Ubuntu users select the .deb package. Fedora, Redhat, OpenSUSE users select the .rpm package. Windows users select the .exe package.
Alternatively, you can install MultiSystem more easily using PPA as shown below. After installation, It will automatically open. Just click Close button to exit. Once installed, plug-in your USB key, and launch MultiSystem either from Unity Dash or Menu. At first time, the MultiSystem interface will look like below.
SARDU MultiBoot USB and DVD Creator SARDU is a freemium software that can be used to create multiboot USB and DVD. Runs on Linux and Windows. A multitude of ISO images for you to select and download directly from the SARDU application. You can add additional ISO images to your USB without destroying previous ISO images in the USB flash drive.
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