Como instalar o Mongodb no Debian?

Pergunta de Pedro Ramos em 23-09-2022
(65 votos)

Como instalar o Mongodb no Debian?

Instalar MongoDB 4.4 no Debian 10 Buster

  1. apt-cache show mongodb-org | grep Version. ...
  2. wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add - ...
  3. echo "deb buster/mongodb-org/4.4 main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-4.4.list. ...
  4. sudo apt update.

Como ligar o MongoDB?

Abra um cmd e digite o comando mongo. A mensagem abaixo deve ser exibida, isso confirma que o servidor mongoDB está instalado e executando em nossa máquina.

Como acessar o mongodb pelo terminal?

Para utilizar o mongodb via terminal (shell), será necessário que você tenha um sistema operacional Linux. Isso porque a conexão ao mongo depende dos aplicativos mongo instalados no sistema para executar comandos. Neste tutorial, foi utilizado como exemplo a distribuição Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

Como conectar com mongodb?

Conectando um banco mongodb através do RoboMongo Faça o download e instalação do aplicativo e depois o abra. Uma nova janela será aberta. Dentre as opções, clique em create. Isso abrirá uma nova janela com algumas abas e duas delas serão utilizadas para inserir os dados de autenticação.

How to install MongoDB on Linux Mint command line?

MongoDB does not come with a native installer for Linux Mint and requires a command line installation. To install it, follow these steps: Step 1: Open the Command-line terminal and import the public GPG key. Just run the following commands. view source print? sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:

How to get the latest version of MongoDB?

To purge the outdated version, just execute the following: Next, you'll need to add the official mongodb repository that contains the latest community version. Once the repository cache is updated, run the install command: Ensure you typed mongodb-org, and not mongodb, otherwise you'll install the old version.

What can I do with MongoDB in terminal?

Now that the Mongodb service is running, you can now use mongo shell to access the server by executing mongo in the terminal. The mongo shell starts successfully, however, you get hit by several warning messages. Despite the warnings, you can create new databases and add documents to the collections.

Why does MongoDB not auto start on boot?

Unfortunately, you will encounter connection errors. This is because Mongodb does not start automatically on boot or after installation. To fix this, run the following commands that will start the mongodb service and enable it to auto-start on boot. To confirm that mongodb server has successfully started, execute either of the following commands:

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