Como instalar o KIVY no Windows?

Pergunta de Eder Silva em 23-09-2022
(19 votos)

Como instalar o KIVY no Windows?

Para instalar o pacote Kivy:

  1. Entre aqui e faça o download para sua versão de Python.
  2. Extraia seu conteúdo.
  3. Copie ou para a pasta /Applications/ com: $ sudo mv /Applications/
  4. Crie um symlink para facilitar sua vida e utilizá-lo pelo terminal, com:

How to configure Python Kivy for PyCharm on Windows?

Create a new run configuration and set the Python interpreter to our earlier created bootstrapper. If you already had it installed and have a project open, click File -> Settings (Ctrl + Alt + S). (If not, create a new project, and click the ' ... ' (or ) next to interpreter, and skip step 2)

Can you install Kivy side by side with Python?

Multiple versions of Python can be installed side by side, but Kivy needs to be installed in each Python version that you want to use Kivy in. Beginning with 1.9.1 we provide binary wheels for Kivy and all its dependencies to be used with an existing Python installation. See Installing the kivy stable release.

How to add a Python interpreter to PyCharm?

Add 2 new Python interpreters in PyCharm. Bootstrapper: Choose the earlier created "python.bat" from the Kivy package folder. Project Interpreter: Choose the "python.exe" from the Python subdirectory in the Kivy package folder. For the project interpreter, add a path to the "kivy" directory directly contained in the Kivy package folder.

Is there a stable version of Kivy in Python?

To make it simpler, in the following text means a path to the directory with python.exe file. The wheel package provides compiled Kivy, but with removed cython source components, which means the core code can't be recompiled using this way. Python code, however, is editable. The stable version of Kivy is available on pypi.

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