Download e Instalação
Para instalar o JDK no Linux ou no Windows primeiramente é necessário efetuar o download do arquivo de instalação. Para isso deve-se acessar o site da Oracle (vide seção Links) e baixar versão do JDK correspondente ao sistema operacional e arquitetura (32 ou 64 bits) utilizada.
Como ativar o Java no Chrome, Firefox e Internet Explorer
Tutorial Windows - Instalar Java JDK
At one time, Java was absolutely necessary if you wanted to be able to use your computer for, well, just about everything. Today there is less need for it. A growing number of security experts recommend not installing Java if you don't already have it, and perhaps even getting rid of it if you do.
Launch the Java Control Panel by clicking the Java icon under System Preferences . Go to the Update tab in Java Control Panel and click on Update Now button that brings up Installer window. Click on Install Update. Click on Install and Relaunch. Save all your work before clicking Install and Relaunch.
Visit the Java website and download the installer To install Java, you first need to download the installer program from Oracle. Visit the "Download Java" page: Click the "Free Java Download" button. You are then prompted to read and agree with the end user license agreement.
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