Passo 1: Estando conectado à internet, acesse o Google Play. Passo 2: Busque pelo aplicativo Zoom, em seguida, clique em “Instalar”. Passo 3: Depois que tenha descarregado, clique em “Abrir”. Passo 4: Pronto!
Como baixar aplicativo Zoom para PC?
Como usar o aplicativo Zoom no celular para entrar em uma reunião
Clique com o botão direito do mouse sobre o ícone do Zoom localizado próximo ao relógio. No menu de contexto, vá em "Switch Languages" e selecione "Português".
Go to the download location, select the file and right click on it. Click on Open With Software Install from the pop-up menu to open the installation dialog box. Click on Install button to install Zoom.
Here's what you need to do to use Zoom for free video conferencing: Download Zoom from the homepage of the developer and install it on your PC. Create a personal account on the homepage of the developer. Use the credentials to log into your account directly from the program's interface.
When Magnifier is on, zoom in and out by pressing the Windows logo key + Plus sign (+) or Windows logo key + Minus sign (-). You can also zoom in and out using the mouse by pressing Ctrl + Alt and rotating the wheel on your mouse.
Click the "+" or "-" icons to adjust the zoom level. Click "View" and then select your preferred zoom mode. "Full Screen" zooms the entire screen, but "Lens" uses a small Zoom window that overlays the main screen. "Dock" places the zoom window in a separate panel, so your normal window isn't obstructed.
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