Como fica o verbo Fall no past simple?

Pergunta de Gael Silva em 23-09-2022
(40 votos)

Como fica o verbo Fall no past simple?

The verb today is: fall. Cair. Past. Fell.

Qual é o passado do verbo to fall?


Mais 1 linha

Qual o passado do verbo Feel?

The verb is: feel. Sentir. Past. Felt.

O que significa o verbo to feel?

sentir (algo) v.

Qual o present perfect de Feel?

Present Perfect

Ihave beenfeeling
youhave beenfeeling
he/she/ithas beenfeeling
wehave beenfeeling
youhave beenfeeling
Mais 1 linha

What does the word fall mean in Conjugacion?

Past perfect continuous. I had been falling. you had been falling. he/she/it had been falling. we had been falling. you had been falling. they had been falling. Future perfect continuous. I will have been falling.

What does past participle fall mean in Spanish?

Past participle fallen. Modelo : fall. Auxiliar : have, be. Otras formas: fall oneself / not fall. Contracciones. Publicidad.

What does conjugacao do verbo mean in Portuguese?

to fall. Simple past. ingles. fell. Past participle. ingles. fallen. Mais informações. Conjugação do verbo "to fall".

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