*Quando Ciri perder a cabeça na quest A Criança do Sangue Ancestral, diga “Vá em frente” e encoraje ela a quebrar tudo junto com você. *Diga “Sim, eu vou com você” quando Ciri pedir para visitar o túmulo de Skjall na quest A Criança do Sangue Ancestral. Dessa forma Ciri irá se tornar a imperatriz de Nilfgaard.
Para fazer isso, primeiro você precisa completar “Fantasmas do passado”. Independentemente do resultado da missão, Letho questiona onde ele pode ir em seguida. É então que você pode convidá-lo para Kaer Morhen. Ele vai aceitar e depois lutar contra a caçada selvagem quando eles chegarem.
Ciri becomes a witcher. In second ending Ciri becomes a witcher. If you want to get this ending, you must pick one mandatory and two additional actions/dialogues according to the list below. They are the opposite of negative decisions that make the girl die.
To get the first ending - death of the girl - you must make three decisions out of five available from the list below: During the Blood on the Battlefield quest, when Ciri won't be happy, tell her that she doesn't have to be good in everything. Later in the same quest go to the emperor and take the money.
you cannot save Vesimir since he is the reason Ciri go into trance and actually by doing this save everyone. you know he died just to make he do it. he a mortar . probably saved the enitre world of the game by dying .
The Fate of the Swallow in The Witcher 3 relates to five Ciri choices Geralt must make. Depending on what the White Wolf chooses, players could end up with any number of endings. However, there is a right and wrong set of dialogue choices to make if you want the best ending in The Witcher 3.
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