Usando o seu navegador Se você não que baixar nenhum software no seu smartphone, basta usar o seu navegador. Para isso, digite e o seu celular vai reconhecer automaticamente a versão mobile do serviço.
Start by getting your hands on any version of Outlook On Desktop, and visit the menu once the software is installed. Click the option that says, “Check for Updates,” and update your program that way. You may also visit the official Outlook On Desktop website and download the most modern version,...
Access Outlook email. Click your "Start" button in the lower-left corner of your desktop in order to find Microsoft Outlook. Scroll up and click "Programs" or "All Programs" to get to the folder that will contain Microsoft Outlook.
Outlook Web Access lets you check your Outlook email online at any time. Contact your IT department and get your Outlook Web Access site and login credentials. Access the Outlook Web Access log in page. Enter your user name and password.
Steps Search for "download Microsoft outlook" in Google. Click on a Microsoft outlook link to a free trial from the results. Click "Download a trial" in the screen that appears. Hit the "try it free" button in green under "Office Home and Business.". Click "Download Now" to download the free trial.
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