Como duelar no Red Dead Redemption II
Além dos acampamentos, em que é possível praticar contra personagens carismáticos e conhecidos como Lenny, Strauss e outros, o poker está disponível em três locais do game: em Valentine, na Flatneck Station e na moderna cidade de Saint Denis.
Blackjack, Dominoes, and Poker are all available in Red Dead Redemption 2 single-player, so it’s not surprising that players are ready to throw some bones or play a hand of cards. However, so far the news is grim concerning the availability of Red Dead Online poker and blackjack as well as the other single-player mini-games.
One of the reasons why I bought RDR 2 was because Poker was a thing. It seemed like it would be a lot of fun to play against other players online. There aren’t that many 3D Poker games out there since PKR was terminated a few years ago, so I thought this would be great fun. Apparently I was wrong.
There’s a chance that card games will be implemented in Red Dead Online in a form that doesn’t take any in-game currency to play, but for now, we haven’t seen any proof they’ll be added to the game.
Before each round, two players must bet a nominal amount called the small blind and the big blind. The size of the blinds vary depending on the table’s stakes, and they can range from 4¢ to 10¢ in Red Dead Redemption 2.
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