Como deve ser tomado o fluconazol?

Pergunta de Rita Costa em 31-05-2022
(52 votos)

Como deve ser tomado o fluconazol?

Fluconazol para candidíase Para candidíase vaginal ou peniana, a dose recomendada é de 150 mg em dose única. Em casos recorrentes, indica-se repetição da dose de 150 mg após 3 dias. Para candidíase oral o tratamento deve ser feito com 150 mg por dia por 7 a 14 dias.

How often can you take fluconazole 150 mg?

Fluconazole can be taken at any time of day, and can be taken either before or after a meal. Swallow the capsule with a drink of water. Infections such as vaginal thrush can be treated with a single 150 mg dose; other infections require a course of treatment possibly lasting a number of weeks.

What is fluconazole 150mg tablets used for?

Diflucan 150 mg Tablets. Diflucan ® (fluconazole) is a prescription drug used for treating (and sometimes preventing) various types of fungal infections.

How long does it take for fluconazole to work?

Fluconazole works by stopping the growth of Candida. It usually starts to work within one day, but it may take 3 days for your symptoms to improve and up to 7 days for your symptoms to disappear. Genital herpes is a common sexually transmitted disease caused by the virus called herpes simplex ( HSV ).

What is fluconazole used to treat?

Fluconazole is an antifungal medicine. Fluconazole is used to treat infections caused by fungus, which can invade any part of the body including the mouth, throat, esophagus , lungs, bladder, genital area, and the blood.

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