Neste tutorial, tentarei ajudá-lo a remover o vírus Pezi gratuitamente. Como bônus, ajudarei você a decodificar seus arquivos criptografados.
Pezi é um ransomware infecção - o software malicioso que entra no computador silenciosamente e bloqueia o acesso ao próprio computador ou criptografa seus arquivos.
Pezi Virus File (.pezi) Remove and Restore Files Threat Name Pezi virus Category Ransomware/Cryptovirus. Main Activity Infects the computer after which encrypt ... Signs of Presence Files are encrypted with a custom file e ... Spread Via malicious e-mail spam and set of inf ... ...
Pezi ransomware is a malicious computer virus originating from DJVU ransomware family, also known as STOP ransomware. Once this virus scans and modifies personal files and marks them with .pezi file extension, all information becomes no longer accessible.
The payload of the cyber threat could have been disguised as an MS Word document or some sort of a .pdf file. The culprits behind Pezi virus may use social engineering tactics to trick the user into opening the attachment.
At first, the virus imitates a Windows update screen to distract people from the infection. During this time, all information stored on the computer, including pictures, video, audio, and document files are being encrypted with AES-256 cryptography algorithm.
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