Qual a Lane da Miss Fortune?

Pergunta de Theo Costa em 23-09-2022
(37 votos)

Qual a Lane da Miss Fortune?

A Miss Fortune foi buffada e é atualmente a ADC, convencional, mais forte deste patch. Sua especialidade é o dano em área, harass de lane phase e TF. Seu kit é simples, sendo indicado acumular apenas dez partidas antes de ingressar nas filas ranqueadas.

O que comprar para Miss Fortune LoL?

Itens Iniciais

ItensPopularidadePorcentagem de Vitória

Quantas Skin tem a luz?

Alistar, Lux e Miss Fortune Alistar, Lux e Miss Fortune ocupam o segundo lugar deste ranking, com 14 skins cada um.

Who is Miss Fortune in League of Legends wild rift?

Miss Fortune is a marksman and mage role of League of Legends Wild Rift. Miss Fortune is a range attack damage carry (adc) which has very high burst damage, slow ability, and powerful channel ultimate. Miss Fortune is commonly play in Dragon lane. Miss Fortune Abilities Info & Ability Order

What are the best runes for Miss Fortune?

The Best Runes for Miss Fortune in Wild Rift is the Fleet Footwork Keystone, followed by the Brutal, Regeneration, and Manaflow Band Minor Runes. What items do I build on Miss Fortune in Wild Rift? The Best Items to build on Miss Fortune in Wild Rift are all attack damage, Marksmen are almost always built with full damage items.

Where do you play Miss Fortune in League of Legends?

Miss Fortune is a marksman and mage role of League of Legends Wild Rift. Miss Fortune is a range attack damage carry (adc) which has very high burst damage, slow ability, and powerful channel ultimate. Miss Fortune is commonly play in Dragon lane. All about Miss Fortune abilities detail with damage, cooldown , and ability order.

What's the best item to build Miss Fortune with?

The Best Items to build on Miss Fortune in Wild Rift are all attack damage, Marksmen are almost always built with full damage items. The first item to build should be Infinity Edge, and then second, you will want to complete your Gluttonous Greaves with a Quicksilver Enchant and to finish up your Core Item Build will be a Statikk Shiv.

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