tum-tum (bater do coração); triiimm (telefone); biii biii (buzina); vroooom (motor de veículos);
‘The Bells’ and ‘The Raven’ written by the American writer Edgar Allan Poe are the examples of the onomatopoeia poems. Besides, ‘Cynthia in the Snow’ written by Gwendolyn Brooks is another noticeable poem that represents Onomatopoeia.
An onomatopoeia (オノマトペ) is a word or group of words in a language which have their meaning indicated by the sounds they mimic. Examples of English onomatopoeia include "meow", "roar", "buzz", "boom", "snap", "bang", and so on.
Onomatopoeia is the formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named. For example, onomatopoeia is the hum of the bees, the pop of a balloon, or the tweet of a bird. The word Onomatopoeia can also be used to describe the use of such words for rhetorical effect.
Examples of Onomatopoeia. Examples of onomatopoeia in sentences: achoo: "Achoo!!", echoed around the room as the boy sneezed loudly. ahem: "Ahem", the teacher exclaimed to get the attention of the two students who were talking in class.
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