O que quer dizer CC no Twitter?

Pergunta de Theo Costa em 22-09-2022
(12 votos)

O que quer dizer CC no Twitter?

Literalmente CC é usado como “cópia de cortesia”. Da mesma forma que em memorandos e e-mails, o CC é uma maneira de assegurar que um usuário do Twitter veja certo conteúdo.

Why is it that cats are so curious?

Cats are so curious because they’re super smart—and opportunistic by nature. You may not have known this, but the cat brain and the human brain are eerily similar. For your cat, when something strikes their fancy, they typically come running.

Is the curious cat app in the UK?

Curious Cat is a UK-based paid survey app which rewards you with cash for sharing your opinion on products and services. There is a social media website with the same name, but they are totally unrelated.

What do you get from curious cat company?

Are you always looking out for new ways to pamper your cat (& yourself too?) Curious Cat Company presents a subscription box delivered monthly - Cat food, Cat toys & surprises for Humans too! Primary access to unique, handmade or sustainable products by local, homegrown brands we collaborate with.

Is there a social network like curious cat?

No, not quite. The website describes it as follows: Curious Cat is a Q&A social network used by one million people every day, where you can ask and receive questions, sometimes anonymously. It's great to know new people, or engage with your followers from other social networks."

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