Abra o VS Community e clique em New Project; Selecione a linguagem Visual C# e o template Console Application; Informe o nome da solução como Usando_Dapper e clique no botão OK; Após criar o projeto vamos incluir a referência a biblioteca do Dapper .
Dapper core tries to be the friend to those who love their SQL. (see https://stackoverflow.com/a/27588877/3813189 ). In a way, that does suggest that the various extension packages to NuGet may help, as you have suggested. I have tried DapperExtensions, which makes writing the query filters in a programmatic way a little easier - eg.
Firstly, one of the authors of Dapper said, when someone asked Is there a plan to make Dapper.net compatible with IQueryable interfaces? there are no plans to do this. It is far far outside what dapper tries to do. So far that I would say it is antithetical. Dapper core tries to be the friend to those who love their SQL.
Let’s now write some code using Dapper to perform CRUD operations against a database. Consider a database named IDG that contains a table called Author with the following fields. You should create an entity class (POCO class) for this database table for simplicity when working with Dapper.
Dapper is an open source, lightweight ORM developed by the Stack Overflow team. Dapper is very fast compared to other ORMs primarily because of its light weight. Dapper was built with performance and ease of use in mind. It provides support for both static and dynamic object binding using transactions, stored procedures, or bulk inserts of data.
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