1 - Digitar no console: "map_enable_background_maps 0" irá remover todas as animações de background/menu do dota, porém também remove as animações de loadout dos herois, para desfazer basta trocar o 0 por 1.
Com o Steam aberto, vá até “Library”, encontre o Dota 2, clique nele com o botão direito e escolha “Propriedades”;
Instale a Steam em seu computador, ao abrir clique na opção Store ou Loja e busque pelo jogo Dota 2, não é necessário gastar um centavo já que o game gratuito para jogar, clique em jogar.
1. Launch Steam. 2. Within Steam’s Library tab, right-click Dota 2 and select Properties. 3. Within the General tab of the Properties window, click the Set Launch Options button. 4. Type “ -novid ” (without quotes) into the text field that follows and hit Ok. That’s all there is to it.
I'm not able to play dota because of that black loading screen but it's alright. I finally found a good useful way to never come back to play this game called dota2. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts.
You don’t have to take our word on the matter, though. If you’d rather test the same on your own, right-click Dota 2 in your Steam Library, select Properties, switch to the Local Files tab and click Browse Local Files.
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