Como responder How are you de forma natural?

Pergunta de Alice Costa em 23-09-2022
(72 votos)

Como responder How are you de forma natural?

Veja abaixo alguma formas de responder ''How are you?'' de forma natural, assim como um estrangeiro: I'm fine! What about you? – Estou bem!

What should the response To'i am fine'be?

This depends on the person in front of you.You can surely know in which manner they said “I am fine” . So yes,if it is normal we will obviously reply “That's great” with a smile. If you feel that the person who said “I am fine” is not really fine then you should ask “Sure?” Or “Are you really fine?”

How to respond to " how are you doing?

Here are responses you can use: 1 “Hi, I’m doing good, and how are you today?” 2 “I’m doing fine, thanks. It’s a beautiful day.” 3 “I’m good, thank you, and you?” 4 “I’m feeling just fine, and you?”

Is there a follow up to " I am fine "?

“I am fine” is a statement, and not a question. Accordingly, no “response” is engendered. In my opinion, if you wish to make a statement after someone says “I am fine,” the options available for the follow-up statement are fairly open-ended, but should not include an opinion or judgment about the initiating statement. Depends on who said it.

What's the best way to respond to a question?

Typical responses would include: The "Thank You" may be appended to your response; its use is intended to thank the person for asking the question (good manners, etc.). In general, respond with the same, if there is time.

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